My Weight Loss Journey since 1/1/09

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Day 2 of 84

I’m in the zone!

Eats for today:

Goal = 1250 calories, 40p/35c/25f macronutrient ratio

Actual = 1252 calories

Ratio = 39% protein, 35% carbs, 25% fat

I couldn’t GET any closer than that!  I need to work on getting my water intake up again.  I used to drink about a gallon of water a day.  I’ve fallen way low on water.  I have trouble remembering to drink when I’m busy at my desk.  I’ll work on that tomorrow.

Today’s Workout:

Jodi came by the church after work today and we walked a KILLER hill twice.  We walked about 4.2 miles in total.

Back on the weights tomorrow.

My favorite meal of the day yesterday?  Lean ground turkey burger with a slice of low fat cheese and a slice of tomato wrapped in a couple of romaine leafs.  YUM!