My Weight Loss Journey since 1/1/09

Sunday, June 21, 2009

C2 – Week 10, Day 70 of 84

Cycle Day 22 - Boosting, Weight 136.5

I am happy to say things are going well on the scale still.  I lost another 2.5 pounds this week.  (That’s 6 pounds in 2 weeks!! Unheard of, for me!)  I’ve stayed right on target with my eating and it’s paying off.

Kale and Kayla came in this weekend and usually that means I eat poorly, but Friday night we made homemade pizzas (I had a healthy veggie pita pizza version) and Saturday night we grilled burgers (I ate a spicy black bean burger on a whole wheat English muffin).  So, I ate really well, and enjoyed myself, at the same time.  For dessert on Friday night, I had enough points left to enjoy a small vanilla ice cream cup with a sliced banana, melted peanut butter and light chocolate syrup. YUM!

Today was free day and I have left over allowance points.  So, I’m feeling really good about my week.

Our workouts were great.  We’re doing heavy pyramid lifting and cardio is one-minute intervals.

Here’s hoping week 11 is just as good!