Weight – 126.5
Don’t ask me how I’m down a half pound. I’ve eaten pretty terrible all week long. Biscuits, pie, pumpkin bread, candy, and lots of food in general.
My Fitness Journal (as I strive for fitness after 40)
Weight – 126.5
Don’t ask me how I’m down a half pound. I’ve eaten pretty terrible all week long. Biscuits, pie, pumpkin bread, candy, and lots of food in general.
Weight 127!!!
I gained 2 pounds this week. I’ve actually increased my workouts this week and even made up a cardio session. BUT, I realize that I have gotten out of the habit of counting my points. The last time I used my online point tracker was NOVEMBER 18!! That was the week before the wedding and I let busy-ness get in the way. Ever since, I’ve been lazy…that’s the only way to describe it. And it’s shown on the scale.
I’m NOT happy about it, but it’s no one’s fault but my own.
Honestly, I don’t anticipate really getting strict these last two weeks of the year, so I’ll try moderation until the first of the year…then I’ll get back to counting my points and doing what I know to do.
I started the 4th challenge of 2009 at 125.5 and finished at 127. So, while I’m not too happy with that, I am still within a couple pounds of my target weight and I am in control of the situation. There’s a lot of peace in knowing that I can make some changes and fix it. So, this challenge is over… and I will start C1 2010 at the first of the year.
I’m planning to enjoy my family all being together this next week. I hope y’all enjoy your holidays!
Weight 125
Up a half a pound. Really not in a motivated state these days. One week to go in this challenge and I’m not in a routine.
On to Week 12…
Weight 124.5
Back up a pound this week… but I took a break from the gym this week and today my “monthly” came to call. So, not all that bad considering.
I’m determined to get back in the gym this week. Missing the weights…cardio? not so much.
Only 2 weeks left in this challenge.
On to week 11…